I Can’t Believe My Eyes!
There on the internet, late last night was the Christmas Cookie Cutters our family cherished so very, very, much. Wow! I could not believe my eyes. I hit the jackpot of all time.
I quickly ordered two sets of “Gramma’s Christmas Cookies Cutters”.
My 93 year’s young Mom, has baked a sugar cookie recipe each Christmas since the late ’40s or possibly the early 50’s without fail for her family using “Gramma’s Christmas Cutters” and/or a poor cutter replica up to and including the last year 2017. I strongly believe the recipe used was supplied along with your original Christmas cookie cutters during a promotion sponsored by “Fluffo Shortening”, in Canada. My mother of 10 children, continued to replicate and search for years and years to replace the original clear red plastic cutters to make her Christmas Cookies, often decorating into the wee hours of the morning. Dozens and dozens and dozens of decorated Stockings, Stars, Christmas trees, and the last to be pitched out the late white adhesive taped Santa Claus cutter. First Aid held the Santa Cutter together for a few more years for Mom’s baking gifts for family, friends, out-of-province Christmas parcels, and her famous cookie plates which served my siblings, neighbors, and her special relative travelers from Michigan, U.S.A., over the holiday season.
The original cutters cracked, were mended, and finally tossed out to be replaced with whatever she could find since the late 1970s. God willing maybe this year my Mom will still bake and use the cutters made from the original molds. That will be really something! And, believe it or not-quite possible.
After all, Christmas is not Christmas without a nibble on a cookie treetop, a Santa’s beard, a pointed star, or a Christmas stocking toe (My favorite from away back)
Thank you so very much, for preserving these special cookie molds for my Grandchildren and our next generations.
What luck-I ordered a set for my sister and myself. Both she and I continue the same baking traditions. (Though never the amounts needed for ten children!)Just imagine and smile along with me thinking of all those sweet and lovely decorated cookies that went missing from my mother’s enormous roasting pan in the fruit cellar!
Thank you from my family,
Mary Boatman MacGregor