Three Quarters Century of Family Memories
Aunt Chick’s Famous Cookie Cutters will be celebrating its 75th year in 2013
From the 1930s to 1950s, Tulsa entrepreneur and inventor Nettie McBirney wrote for the Tulsa Daily World cooking column under the pen name, ‘Aunt Chick.’ Aunt Chick also gave culinary lectures and designed cookie cutters, pie tins, and pastry cloths–but it was her cookie cutters that made Aunt Chick internationally known. In 1948 her cutting edge invention of plastic emboss molds with special pebbled interiors, to keep the dough from sticking, revolutionized cookie cutters and created a worldwide tradition.
Aunt Chick’s Cookie Cutters will be celebrating their 75th year in 2023, and in those 75 years, countless mothers and children have gathered around the kitchen to cut, bake and decorate the cookies inspired by Aunt Chick, using the molds made from the originals.
Before her career ended Aunt Chick had sold her products to Macy’s and Wrigley’s Gum. Wrigley’s ordered 70,000 of her cookie cutters for one of its nationwide promotions–selling out in just six weeks. Hardware stores and gift shops carried her cutters throughout the 1950s and 60 and Aunt Chick’s cutters were a gift in 1952 by Princess Margaret to her nephew, Prince Charles.
Today, the cookie cutters are from the same molds used in the ’40s (just streamlined f today’s manufacturing). These cutters are known for quality and lasting up to half a century. That is why Aunt Chick cutters by Grammas Cutters come with a Lifetime Warranty.
Carrie Greno Falzone, founder, and president of Gramma’s Cutters was first introduced to these cutters through her grandmother, Bunny Pittenger, who purchased the Merry Christmas Set in 1949. Over ten years Falzone’s family located and acquired all of the original Aunt Chick’s molds, trademarks, and copyrights. Gramma’s Cutters now produces Aunt Chick’s molds and is selling them at wholesale prices for retailers to carry–a first in 35 years! Aunt Chick’s cookie cutters have always been and are still made in America. If you are interested in owning a set of these cookie cutters, or if you are a retailer seeking to resell this piece of American history, contact Carrie Greno Falzone
at http://www.grammascutters.com/.